We Have Relocated!

For more information and to book an appointment, contact Lorraine LeBlanc Hendry at the telephone number or email address provided below.

Message from Lorraine LeBlanc Hendry

For many businesses and industries, including ours, we have faced huge obstacles and difficult decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Impacted by the permanent closure of the Ottawa Athletic Club on Lancaster Road, it was with a heavy heart that I also had to permanently close Physio Sports Care Centre after 25 years of service. I want to thank you for your support through the years.

Despite this misfortune, I am grateful to have found two new locations to continue my physiotherapy practice:


  • University of Ottawa Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy Centre (operated by OPiH)
  • 801 King Edward Avenue, Suite N203
  • Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
  • Email: lhendry@uohs.uottawa.ca
  • To book an appointment: 613-564-3950, ext. 456 or contact Liane at lphillips@uohs.uottawa.ca
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday


Note that I will continue to answer emails sent to lorraine@physiosportscare.com.

I hope you are keeping safe and healthy. If you are experiencing any issues that could benefit from physiotherapy treatment, please do not hesitate to contact either of the locations above to book an appointment.

Yours sincerely,

Lorraine LeBlanc Hendry BSC(PT), FCAMPT, DScPT