Golf Injuries

If golf is your game, Physio Sports Care Centre is the place for you. Physio Sports Care Centre has Medical Professional and Fitness Professionals certified by the Titleist Performance Institute. Learn more about our TPI certification and experience.

The TPI Experience

The Titleist Performance Institute program is designed to increase a golfer’s functionality by reducing pain and improving his or her fitness level.

As leaders in golf fitness, the Titleist Performance Institute has taken a keen interest in qualifying medical, fitness and golf professionals to provide the best possible golf-specific treatment and training to their clients.

Lorraine LeBlanc Hendry and Nathan Blackburn are Level 2 Certified Medical and Fitness Professionals. They have been trained by some of the most experienced and world-renowned professionals in their respective fields of physiotherapy, fitness, and strength and conditioning. Working closely with the CPGA golf professionals at the Ottawa Athletic Club, Physio Sports Care Centre offers golfers the most comprehensive golf rehabilitation and training program in the city.

At Physio Sports Care Centre, we bring golfers through a set of physical and golf-specific screen tests to determine the problem areas and physical deficiencies that are causing pain, inhibiting performance, or both.

Combining physiotherapy and fitness can assist golfers reduce pain while simultaneously shaving numbers off of their golf fitness handicaps. Physiotherapy will identify and treat the cause of the pain. A personalized fitness program will address the problem areas and deficiencies identified during screening assessments.

TPI Golf Screen and Fitness Session

The Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Screen (TPI) is specifically geared towards golfers. We utilize aspects of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and a golf screening assessment developed through the Titleist Performance Institute to identify movement pattern dysfunctions in your golf swing. In addition, strength testing will be done to identify any weaknesses or muscular imbalances.

Once any dysfunctions, weaknesses or imbalances have been identified, you will be provided the option to work with a TPI Certified Medical Professional to reduce pain and/or improve function through physiotherapy, or move directly to the TPI Fitness Professional for a corrective exercise program.

Full TPI Assessment

A full Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Screen (TPI) Assessment includes a total-body physiotherapy assessment, a TPI Certified Golf Screen, and instructions for your specific fitness program as recommended by our TPI Medical and Fitness Professionals. There would be two sessions to attend for your individualized assessments and instructions.

The first session would include the physiotherapy assessment of all joints and a TPI Certified Golf Screen, which would be conducted by a Registered Physiotherapist and TPI Medical Professional in conjunction with a Registered Kinesiologist and TPI Fitness Golf Professional.

The second session would involve providing you with instructions for your new fitness program in preparation for the upcoming golf season.  Conducted in the gym, your exercise program will be designed to promote performance enhancement and injury prevention.