Blisters occur when the epidermis and dermis become separated and fluid accumulates in the intervening space. They may remain closed or become torn. A torn blister can result in a local infection.
They are a result of friction and shear stresses on the skin. Skin develops a normal thickening or callus in response to repeated friction or stress.
Blisters can occur over any area of skin subjected to stress and shear but more sensitive skin is more susceptible.
The main sign that a blister is going to develop is a sensation of heat or burning on the skin.
Preventative treatment:
- Lubricante, powder or use a protective covering over susceptible areas of the skin
- Use of two pairs or one double knit pair of socks
- Immediately protect the site where burning sensation occurs
Treatment of a closed blister:
- Maintain blister as is and protect with a doughnut pad until the initial irritation has subsided
- Puncture from the side with a sterile needle, cover with a pressure pad to prevent refilling and protect the area from further irritation
Treatment of a torn blister:
- Clean with soap and water, rinse with antiseptic
- Apply antibiotic ointment or zinc oxide over newly exposed area of skin
- Cover with dressing for 2-3 days
- Protect area from further irritation